Project team: Monica Cîrstea, Laurențiu Botoacă, Otilia Popescu, Camelia Tudor
Location: București, Strada Avram Iancu Year: 2020

Based on a study of the whole historical area (Plantelor Street, part of Sf. Ștefan protected area), we designed an apartment building to complete the front of General Nicolae Dabija Square. The building acts like a perspective end – for this reason, we structured it like a vertical accent. As a completion to the project, we also designed the neighbour house on the south-east side of our building.

In accordance with the small dimensions of the site and the particularities of the historical area, we provided a 3-room apartment on each floor, following the model of the interwar apartment buildings. On the 4th and 5th floors, there is a penthouse. The volumetry and decorative elements of the facades reminds of the Art Deco style, frequently seen in the neighbourhood.

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